mercredi 19 septembre 2018

Michael Bloomberg freiné par l'effet du #MeToo?

Si Michael Bloomberg songe sérieusement à présenter sa candidature chez les Démocrates pour la présidentielle de 2020, il devra non seulement composer avec les éléments les plus progressistes de cette formation politique, mais aussi se méfier des réactions au sein du mouvement #MeToo. Son attitude et ses propos sur les femmes pourraient bien le rattraper. Un politicien d'une autre époque?

 "Between 1996 and 1997, four women filed sexual-harassment or discrimination suits against Bloomberg LP. One of the suits included the following allegation: When Sekiko Sakai Garrison, a sales representative at the company, told Bloomberg she was pregnant, he replied, “Kill it!” (Bloomberg went on, she alleged, to mutter, “Great, No. 16”—a reference, her complaint said, to the 16 women at the company who were then pregnant.) To these allegations Garrison added another one: Even prior to her pregnancy, she claimed, Bloomberg antagonized her by making disparaging comments about her appearance and sexual desirability. “What, is the guy dumb and blind?” he is alleged to have said, upon seeing her wearing an engagement ring. “What the hell is he marrying you for?”

Bloomberg denied having made those comments, claiming that he passed a lie-detector test validating the denial but declining to release the results. (He also reportedly left Garrison a voicemail, upon hearing that she’d been upset by the comments about her pregnancy: “I didn’t say it, but if I said it I didn’t mean it.”) What Bloomberg reportedly did concede is that he said of Garrison and other women, “I’d do her.” In making the concession, however, he insisted that he’d believed that to “do” someone meant merely “to have a personal relationship” with them."

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