jeudi 27 septembre 2018

Témoignage de Christine Blasey Ford: le FBI doit maintenant intervenir (Megan McArdle, Washington Post)

Rien n'indique jusqu'à maintenant que Brett Kavanaugh soit coupable, mais il y a maintenant quatre femmes qui sont intervenues pour le dénoncer et le témoignage de Mme Ford ce matin était crédible. Si le FBI est intervenu pour Anita Hill en 1991 (nomination de Clarence Thomas), il serait bien difficile d'expliquer pourquoi il n'interviendrait pas maintenant. Je suis bien d'accord avec Megan McArdle. Cette dernière souligne également qu'il ne faudrait pas exclure la possibilité d'une manipulation des Démocrates. Certains éléments entourant la divulgation des informations sont louches. Peu importe le scénario, l'intervention de l'agence fédérale est souhaitable. L'intégrité de la cour suprême justifie minimalement un petit délai dans le processus de nomination.

 "But by the same token, Democrats should stop calling for Kavanaugh’s nomination to be withdrawn, as if that could possibly put this scandal to rest. Two days ago, yes, but now the nation cannot afford to punt. Regardless of what it might do to Republican chances of putting a conservative in the seat, or to Democratic chances of retaking the Senate, once Thursday’s hearing concludes, the president must reopen the FBI background checks to try to establish the truth of the allegations, from Swetnick and Ford and Ramirez. If the FBI substantiates them, any criminality should be referred to local prosecutors for possible prosecution. If the FBI is unable to substantiate any of them, then despite the lingering questions, Democrats should join Republicans and unanimously confirming Kavanaugh, to signal that some things — both #MeToo and the integrity of the nomination process — are above politics.

Either grave crimes have passed undetected for decades and we must now do our utmost to see them punished, or a new crime is unfolding before our eyes: an attempt to manipulate the composition of the highest court of the land through the strategically timed release of unfalsifiable accusations of sexual assault. Either way, it’s too late for a political solution. This is now about preserving the integrity of the American justice system; it can’t be brushed away with “politics ain’t beanbag.” At this point, it’s more like Fiat justitia ruat cælum: Let justice be done though the heavens fall."

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