jeudi 27 septembre 2018

Julian Assange plus isolé que jamais?

Plus le temps passe et plus les informations tendent à démontrer que Julian Assange n'est pas le justicier qu'on a déjà présenté. Si vous rêviez de transparence et d'objectivité, la déception est grande.

 "Assange behaved as an instrument of the Kremlin operation which, in an excruciatingly close election, may have made just enough of a difference to secure Trump’s victory.

Once, Assange was celebrated as the apostle of openness. But now, it seems, history will more likely remember him as an accessory to one of the world’s most secretive and cynical autocracies.

Mueller’s investigators have recently questioned at least five witnesses about Assange’s role in the 2016 campaign. The WikiLeaks founder’s ties to Trump confidant Roger Stone appear to be a focus of that line of inquiry, as ABC News reported last week.

More revelations are likely to come. But we already know Assange looks less like a crusader of the online counterculture than the power-mad intriguer who once referred to Hillary Clinton as a “sadistic sociopath” and who was happy to openly accept Russian support. (The Kremlin’s RT propaganda network gave a show to Assange for a time, and the Guardian newspaper recently reported on an apparent Russian plan to help Assange escape Britain, though it was ultimately scrapped.) In July, the Mueller investigation indicted a dozen Russian military-intelligence operatives for stealing information from Democratic Party computers — information, the indictment said, that was then passed on to WikiLeaks."

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