lundi 26 août 2019

Bernie Sanders et Elizabeth devancent Joe Biden selon un sondage Monmouth University

Un sondage qui pointe vers une grande volatilité des appuis. On imagine le désarroi des stratèges démocrates qui souhaitent la victoire de Biden. Kamala Harris peine toujours à se démarquer et elle termine au quatrième rang assez loin des meneurs.

 "“The main takeaway from this poll is that the Democratic race has become volatile,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute. “Liberal voters are starting to cast about for a candidate they can identify with. Moderate voters, who have been paying less attention, seem to be expressing doubts about Biden. But they are swinging more toward one of the left-leaning contenders with high name recognition rather than toward a lesser known candidate who might be more in line with them politically.”

The Monmouth poll is the first major national poll all year to show a candidate other than Biden in the lead. It differs from some surveys conducted over similar time periods. A CNN/SSRS national poll, conducted Aug. 15-18, showed Biden at 29 percent, significantly ahead of Sanders (15 percent) and Warren (14 percent)."

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