jeudi 29 août 2019

Uncle Joe toujours emmêlé dans ses pinceaux

Tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la politique américaine depuis un certain temps savent que Joe Biden cafouille régulièrement, mais ce trait prend des allures inquiétantes depuis le début de sa campagne. Le Washington Post regroupe ici un certain nombre d'anecdotes racontées par Biden et dans lesquelles il mélange les lieux et les dates. Rien pour faire taire ceux et celles qui croient que le vétéran est mûr pour la retraite... 

 "Biden, 76, has struggled during his presidential campaign with gaffes and misstatements that hark back to his earlier political troubles and have put a spotlight on his age. In 1987, Biden dropped out of the presidential race amid charges that he had plagiarized the speeches of a British politician and others.

One big question facing candidates and voters more than 30 years later is whether President Trump’s routine falsehoods have changed the standards by which other presidential aspirants, including Biden, should be judged. From the beginning of his presidency until the middle of last month, Trump has uttered more than 12,000 false or misleading statements, The Washington Post has found. He has continued to add to that total since then.

Biden has used war stories to celebrate military sacrifice and attack Trump’s version of patriotism, built around ferocity and firepower. The former vice president, like Trump, never served in the military. But Biden’s son Beau Biden, who died of brain cancer in 2015, deployed to Iraq as an Army lawyer in 2008, and the candidate ends almost all of his speeches with the refrain: “May God protect our troops.”

Embedded in Biden’s medal story are the touchstones of his long career: foreign policy expertise, patriotism and perseverance through grief."

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