Selon le Washington post...
"IRAN HAS TAKEN two more steps toward producing a nuclear weapon. According to a report released Friday by the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has begun to use a new, more advanced centrifuge to enrich uranium, which could allow it to produce bomb-grade material in a much shorter time period, should it choose to do so. It also has begun installing centrifuges in a facility dug into a mountain near the city of Qom, which could be nearly invulnerable to a U.S. or Israeli air attack. Iranian officials say those centrifuges will be used to triple the production of uranium enriched to 20 percent, creating a stockpile for which Tehran has no plausible legitimate use.
The report underlines the fact that, contrary to the impression often promoted by the Obama administration, the danger that Iran will become a nuclear power is growing, not diminishing. Administration spokesmen often speak of what they say has been the crippling effect on the Iranian economy of sanctions that have been stepped up during the past two years. Extensive media reports have told the sensational stories of computer viruses that may have disabled 1,000 or more Iranian centrifuges and assassinations that have eliminated several Iranian scientists."
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