samedi 10 mai 2014

Hillary Clinton: dure semaine

Hillary Clinton n'est ps officiellement dans la course pour 2016, mais elle est au coeur du bilan de la dernière semaine. Les républicains n'ont pas ménagé les attaques. Un bon côté à tout ça pour Mme Clinton? Il est bien tôt pour que les républicains épuisent ainsi de précieuses munitions...

 "One day, she was weighing in on gun control, Obamacare and social inequality. The next she was taking heat over Benghazi and facing questions about whether as Secretary of State she went too easy on the group behind the kidnap of Nigerian girls.

Then there was Monica Lewinsky, reviving the scandals of 1998. It was arguably the roughest week Clinton has had since she left the State Department early last year, highlighting the tensions between the past and the future that will inevitably come to a head if she runs.

 Lynne Cheney, the wife of the former vice president, picked up the Lewinsky story quickly, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly: “I really wonder if this isn’t an effort on the Clintons’ part to get that story out of the way.” It was a sentiment some other hosts on the network echoed.

Lewinsky resurfaced with a Vanity Fair essay she penned about her difficult last decade, detailing her inability to find a job and her feelings about what she insisted was a “consensual” relationship with former President Bill Clinton. She faulted Hillary Clinton for engaging in a “blame-the-woman” mentality by dubbing her a “narcissistic loony toon” to the former first lady’s late confidant, Diane Blair.

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