mardi 13 mai 2014

Peine de mort: le Texas fier de son efficacité...

L'exécution d'un détenu au texas serait la première depuis l'exécution bâclée en Oklahoma il y a deux semaines. On ne relève pas ce type d'incident dans un état qui tue beaucoup et "efficacement". Un article un peu troublant sur une pratique ne semble routinière dans le "Lone star state".

 "More than any other place in the United States, Huntsville is the capital of capital punishment. All of the 515 men and women Texas has executed since 1982 by lethal injection and all of the 361 inmates it electrocuted from 1924 to 1964 were killed here in the same prison in the same town, at the red-brick Walls Unit. Texas accounts for nearly 40 percent of the nation’s executions.

 So many people have been put to death and so often — in January 2000, seven people were executed in 15 days — that people here take little notice.

 Gov. Rick Perry is a staunch defender of the state’s record, saying that “in Texas for a substantially long period of time, our citizens have decided that if you kill our children, if you kill our police officers, for those very heinous crimes, that the appropriate punishment is the death penalty.” On NBC’s “Meet the Press” recently, he added, “I’m confident that the way that the executions are taken care of in the state of Texas are appropriate.”

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