mardi 2 septembre 2014

Obama maladroit avec les mots?


 Obama a si souvent épaté la galerie avec ses discours qu'on peut difficilement imaginer qu'il soit maintenant l'objet de virulentes critiques sur le choix des termes utilisés lors de ses discours. C'est pourtant le cas depuis la semaine et dans le New York Times de ce matin, Frank Bruni revient sur quelques tournures maladroites.

 "But there’s plenty of territory between the bloated and bellicose rhetoric of then and what Obama is giving us now. He’s adopted a strange language of self-effacement, with notes of defeatism, reminding us that “America, as the most powerful country on earth, still does not control everything”; that we must be content at times with singles and doubles in lieu of home runs; that not doing stupid stuff is its own accomplishment.

This is all true. It’s in tune with our awareness of our limits. And it reflects a prudent disinclination to repeat past mistakes and overreach.

 But that doesn’t make it the right message for the world’s lone superpower (whether we like it or not) to articulate and disseminate. That doesn’t make it savvy, constructive P.R. And the low marks that Americans currently give the president, especially for foreign policy, suggest that it’s not exactly what we were after."

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