mardi 4 novembre 2014

La pire carte électorale pour les démocrates en près de cinquante ans?

Une élection de mi-mandat tristement historique pour les démocrates et le président Obama? Le président a une explication qui à mes yeux est pertinente, mais incomplète.

"Obama said his party’s precarious position is mostly attributable to the nature of Senate elections encompassing one-third of the chamber’s seats in any given election. This time around those states include competitive races in North Carolina, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alaska and long-lost open seats in West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana — all states that tilt Republican.

“It tends to be a little arbitrary which seats are really going to be contested, which aren’t,” Obama said. “This is possibly the worst possible group of states for Democrats since Dwight Eisenhower. There are a lot of states that are being contested where they just tend to tilt Republican. And Democrats are competitive, but they tend to tilt that way.”

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