mardi 8 mars 2016

Trump décline-t-il?

Verra-t-on dès ce soir le résultat des efforts et des millions dépensés pour freiner Donald Trump? Aujourd'hui on garde un oeil sur l'Idaho, le Mississippi et le Michigan. On sondage ce matin montrait une baisse de ses appuis.

 "For the first time since Iowa, a non-Trump Republican took home the day’s largest haul of delegates last weekend, as Cruz on Saturday won handily in Maine and Kansas and ran a close second in Louisiana and Kentucky. Repeating that feat Tuesday would put more momentum behind the Texas senator’s campaign and strengthen his case as the GOP’s best, only hope of nominating someone other than Trump. Trump's standing among Republican registered voters—down 3 points from January—nationwide fell slightly in the latest ABC News/Washington Post national poll released Tuesday, while the poll put Cruz up 4 percent, though Trump maintained a 9 point lead over Cruz in the poll."

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