mardi 15 mars 2016

Donald Trump et le soutien de Pete Rose: nouveau mensonge?

Pete Rose n'est pas au temple de la renommée du baseball en raison de ses paris sur les résultats des matchs impliquant son équipe il y a plusieurs années. Malgré ce scandale le joueur demeure très populaire en Ohio (où on vote aujourd'hui), l'état ou évolue l'équipe pour laquelle il fut joueur et entraîneur. L'ancienne vedette des Reds aurait-elle offert son soutien à Donald Trump? C'est ce que prétend Trump dans un gazouillis.

 "“We do not know how Mr. Trump got the ball,” Genco said. “I can’t authenticate the ball from some Twitter picture.” He added: “I can’t speak to how Trump got the ball. Pete didn’t send it. I made that clear.”

“Pete has made a point not to ‘endorse’ any particular presidential candidate,” Genco wrote. “Though he respects everyone who works hard for our country — any outlet that misinterpreted a signed baseball for an endorsement was wrong. Pete did not send any candidate a baseball or a note of endorsement. That said, through my discussions with Pete about this cycle, I’ve learned that he believes that who to vote for is a decision each voter should decide for him or herself. Pete knows and has impressed upon me that, above politics, it’s leadership and teamwork [that] make all the difference. Both the left and right are Baseball fans — and it is those institutions and their people that make America exceptional.”

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