mardi 22 mars 2016

Donald Trump et la politique étrangère: les experts républicains confondus

Depuis le début la campagne les experts dénoncent la vacuité des propositions de Donald Trump en politique étrangère. Maintenant entouré d'une équipe il expose lentement mais sûrement sa stratégie. Pour l'instant même les experts de sa formation politique sont confondus. Est-il vraiment entour d'experts?

 "Republican insiders were scratching their heads Monday at names Trump offered as sources of regular advice on national security. Several of those Trump cited during a visit to the Washington Post's editorial board are complete unknowns; others have mixed reputations among GOP national security pros. One prominently cites his attendance at a model United Nations conference as a credential on his LinkedIn page; another has compared President Barack Obama's official national security strategy to a document about slavery written in 1850.

 "I don’t know any of them," said Kori Schake, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution and a former official in the George W. Bush State Department. "National security is hard to do well even with first rate people. It’s almost impossible to do well with third rate%% people." Befitting a candidate who has threatened to cut off Muslim immigration into the U.S. "until we figure out what the hell is going on," Trump's roster includes two Middle East analysts who view Islamic Sharia law within the U.S. as a dire threat — even though many conservatives consider the issue a fringe obsession."

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