jeudi 17 mars 2016

Conservatives Against Trump: réunion pour freiner Trump

J'ai mentionné cette rencontre dans ma chronique d'hier sur les ondes de "Radio-Canada cet après-midi". Pour l'instant le groupe favorise une union entre Cruz et Kasich pour freiner Trump.

 "“Not only is he not conservative,” Hillyer said, “he’s also just not a good face for the country.”

Erickson, who is ill with pneumonia and participated via phone, posted a statement on his website Thursday afternoon on behalf of the group, calling itself “Conservatives Against Trump,” saying they would fight Trump to the convention — and beyond.

"We encourage all former Republican candidates not currently supporting Trump to unite against him and encourage all candidates to hold their delegates on the first ballot,” the statement said.

While only two other candidates remain in the race, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, others who have dropped out, most notably Marco Rubio, still control a sizable number of delegates."

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