dimanche 23 octobre 2016

En avance par 12 points Hillary Clinton vise maintenant la majorité au Congrès

Le plus récent sondage ABC News (http://www.langerresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/1184a12016ElectionTrackingNo1.pdf) accorde 12 points d'avance à Hillary Clinton. Son équipe s'intéresse maintenant de plus près aux courses serrées du Sénat et de la Chambre des représentants. Si les chances sont bonnes de conquérir le Sénat, il faudrait cependant tout un revirement pour récupérer la majorité à la Chambre.

 "“I debated him for four and a half hours. I don’t even think about responding to him anymore,” Clinton said when asked about Trump’s charge of a media conspiracy. “He can say whatever he wants to. He can run his campaign however he wants to, he can go off on tangents, he can go to Gettysburg and say he’s gonna sue women who’ve made accusations against him. I’m going to keep talking about what we want to do.”

Increasingly, though, she’s talking about electing other Democrats who will help her do it. Democrats are hoping to win back the majority in the Senate and some are even dreaming that a tanking Trump could help them take control of the House despite what is currently a historically large Republican majority."


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