vendredi 5 mai 2017

Les Républicains du Sénat rejettent le projet voté hier par la Chambre des représentants

On célébrait hier, mais les festivités furent de courte durée. Il faut maintenant attendre de voir ce que les sénateurs proposeront. Complexe le système américain? Oui, pour le meilleur et pour le pire.

 "“Like y’all, I’m still waiting to see if it’s a boy or a girl,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “Any bill that has been posted less than 24 hours, going to be debated three or four hours, not scored? Needs to be viewed with suspicion.”

 The Senate GOP has been preparing for health care to land in its lap, but only in the most general fashion and with little input from the House. Two key House committee chairmen briefed the entire GOP caucus on the lower chamber’s plans in March, but there has been nothing equivalent since then."

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