lundi 12 février 2018

Dévoilement des portraits du couple Obama pour la National Portrait Gallery

Les portraits officiels du couple Obama qui se retrouveront à la National Portrait Gallery ont été dévoilés aujourd'hui. L'artiste Kehinde Wiley, qui a peint le portrait d'Obama, devient le premier peintre afro-américain à réaliser le portrait d'un président pour la National Portrait Gallery. Michelle Obama a également arrêté son choix sur une artiste afro-américaine.

"I've never had a portrait done of myself," Obama said after the unveiling. "The 'Hope' poster done by Shep was cool, but I didn't sit for it." He was referring to the image designed by artist Shepard Fairey during his 2008 presidential campaign.

Obama said he had an "immediate connection" with Wiley and spoke of his admiration for his work, describing it as art that challenges "our convention views of power and privilege."

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