dimanche 11 février 2018

Donald Trump discrédite-t-il le mouvement #MeToo?

À plusieurs reprises pendant la campagne électorale et depuis le début de sa présidence Donald Trump a défendu la présomption d'innocence devant des allégations d'inconduite sexuelles sans jamais, ou presque, glisser un mot sur le bien-fondé du mouvement #MeToo ou sans exprimer de sympathie pour les victimes alléguées. Rappelons que le président lui-même est accusé d'inconduite sexuelle.

 "Mr. Trump, critics noted, has not let due process prevent him from rushing to judgment in other cases. He has avidly promoted conspiracy theories, like those of the birther movement, whipped up his supporters at campaign rallies with chants of “lock her up” about Hillary Clinton, and demanded the death penalty for five young black and Latino men wrongly accused of assaulting and raping a white woman in Central Park.

For the #MeToo movement, which has spread into virtually every corner of American society — redressing a legacy of injustice even as it wrestles with questions like the dangers of a rush to judgment — Mr. Trump’s words were sure to make him, yet again, a lightning rod.

His apparent defense of his two aides — Rob Porter, the staff secretary, and David Sorensen, a speechwriter — ran counter to the White House’s portrayal of its response to the accusations of emotional and physical abuse leveled against them. Administration officials maintained that they acted decisively in each case."


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