dimanche 11 février 2018

Hillary Clinton devrait tourner la page

Un article qui va dans le sens de ce que j'affirme depuis la fin de la dernière campagne électorale. Pas facile de perdre une élection lorsqu'on est qualifiée et qu'on remporte le vote populaire. Difficile de perdre contre quelqu'un d'aussi peu préparé et grossier que Donald Trump, mais il serait préférable de tourner la page et ne pas se laisser entraîner dans les marécages du milliardaire.

 She could dive into the private sector, creating a market solution for any number of problems. She could follow Gore’s path and take on a single cause as a public advocate. Naysayers be damned, she could run for office again. She’s the same age as Romney—and younger than Joe Biden."

The point is to drop any public grumbling about the past, or calling out of Trump in outraged tweets, or stirring up partisan fury by mocking Trump in public. (Though at least her cameo at the Grammys, reading a passage from “Fire and Fury,” redeemed itself with a self-deprecating joke: “The Grammy’s in the bag?”) There are plenty of people willing and able to analyze the 2016 race and point out the absurdities of Trump. Clinton doesn’t need to be a voice in that mix. She has the chance to go down in history as much more than the almost-first-woman-president. It starts with changing the subject.


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