lundi 20 août 2018

Jeff Fillion dans le New York Times

Combien de fois a-t-on parlé au Québec du style particulier de plusieurs animateurs de radio de la ville de Québec? Je ne compte plus. Il semble qu'il ait des échos à l'extérieur de la province et cette fois c'est le New York qui s'y intéresse en observant plus particulièrement le travail du controversé Jeff Fillion.

 "The talk radio genre has proved particularly popular in Quebec City, where fringe anti-immigrant groups like La Meute, or Wolf Pack, stoke fears that immigrants, and Muslims in particular, are incompatible with Canadian values. Being the seat of provincial power also makes the city an ideal target for talk radio hosts who delight in lampooning the political class.

Accused of being sexist, racist and generally outrageous, Mr. Fillion, an admirer of Mr. Ford, counters that he’s none of those things but, rather, a libertarian who is not afraid to speak his mind. Fascinated by American politics and popular culture after living in Miami as a young man, he says, he was inspired by the way Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern adroitly provoked and attracted attention on talk radio."

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