samedi 11 août 2018

Le NAACP qualifie Trump de raciste

Derrick Johnson est le président du NAACP, la plus ancienne organisation à défendre la reconnaissances des droits civiques des Noirs aux États-Unis. Il répondait à des questions de POLITICO dans le contexte des commémorations des incidents de Charlottesville il y a un an.

 "While Trump did meet with the leaders of historically black colleges and universities in 2017 and 2018, as well as with African-American faith leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus, Johnson described the encounters as “basic photo opportunities.”

The CBC’s chairman, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), echoed the sentiment in a letter to Trump declining a second meeting in June 2017. Richmond, who described the proposed second meeting as a “social gathering,” said it would fail to “benefit the policies we advocate for.”

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