vendredi 17 août 2018

La république américaine ne sera plus jamais la même...

Je partage plusieurs des points présentés par Michael Gerson. Le pays a survécu à bien des crises et des déceptions, mais le passage de Donald Trump va marquer durablement les États-Unis. Et jusqu'à maintenant ce n'est pas pour le mieux.

 "This is not only a matter of preferring a certain style of politics (though I think we should do better than the discourse of unhinged tweeting). The problem is a defect of spirit. The founders generally believed that the survival and success of a republic required leaders and citizens with certain virtues: moderation, self-restraint and concern for the common good. They were convinced that respect for a moral order made ordered liberty possible.

The culture of celebrity is the complete negation of this approach to politics. It represents a kind of corrupt, decaying capitalism in which wealth is measured in exposure. It elevates appearance over accomplishment. Because rivalries and feuds are essential to the story line, it encourages theatrical bitterness. Instead of pursuing a policy vision, the first calling of the celebrity is to maintain a brand."

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