vendredi 31 août 2018

Obama et Bush aux funérailles de McCain: un moment historique

Non seulement les interventions de George W. Bush et Barack Obama sont remarquables parce que les deux présidents ont des allégeances politiques différentes, mais elles le sont également parce qu'historiquement les présidents n'intervenaient pas pour les éloges funèbres. Petit retour dans le temps.

 "In Washington, high-profile funerals often fall to vice presidents.

“You die, I’ll fly” was how George H.W. Bush summed up the frequent funeral part of his portfolio when he was Ronald Reagan’s number two in the 1980s. (Bush attributed the quip to Secretary of State James A. Baker.)

But sometimes, the passing of an august figure requires words from the highest political voice in the country, a sitting or former president.

President Trump will not even be attending Saturday’s memorial service for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at Washington National Cathedral. Nor has Trump spoken at a funeral since moving into the White House, according to Gerhard Peters, a political-science professor and a keeper of the American Presidency Project at the University of California at Santa Barbara, a comprehensive database of presidential speeches, briefings, fireside chats, toasts and other public utterances dating to the Hoover administration."

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