samedi 29 mars 2014

Caricature Poutine appelle Obama

La Maison-Blanche confirme un appel du président russe Vladimir Poutine qui souhaitait discuter d'une solution diplomatique à la situation en Ukraine.

 "“President Obama noted that the Ukrainian government continues to take a restrained and de-escalatory approach to the crisis and is moving ahead with constitutional reform and democratic elections, and urged Russia to support this process and avoid further provocations, including the buildup of forces on its border with Ukraine,” the statement read.

 Obama also told Putin that the United States supports a diplomatic path in close consultation with Ukraine, according to the statement.

 “President Obama made clear that this remains possible only if Russia pulls back its troops and does not take any steps to further violate Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” the statement read. “President Obama reiterated that the United States has strongly opposed the actions that Russia has already taken to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

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