lundi 24 mars 2014

Sortie scolaire au club de tir

J'imagine mal une telle sortie scolaire au Québec, mais au Colorado, état durement touché par des incidents violents dans les écoles, peut-être est-ce justifié. Qu'en pensez-vous? Les parents ont donné leur accord.

 ""Often firearms and schools don't mix," Timothy Baird, a teacher at Craver Middle School in Colorado City, Colo., told the station. "There's a big fear there. So we are pushing the safety aspect and hopefully ease some people’s fears."

The school got permission from the county sheriff's office and students' parents for the trip. A non-profit called Appleseed, an organization dedicated to teaching "rifle marksmanship and our early American heritage," was also involved in the outing.

 "We've never been allowed to bring actual real firearms into a school," Appleseed's Elizabeth Blackwood told KRDO. "Until this week. This is a very big deal. We had them touching fire arms, holding them, and learning about how to handle them safely."

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