mercredi 26 mars 2014

Vladimir Poutine et Steven Seagal: une Russie "tough" comme l'URSS de Staline

Le principe est on on ne peut plus noble, favoriser l'exercice physique, mais le programme mentionné dans cet article du Washington Post rappelle une initiative de 1931.

 "Launched in 1931, the workout regime was hailed by dictator Joseph Stalin as a way to get all Russians into tip-top shape to both work and fight for the Fatherland. Known as GTO, the regime required school and university students to pass programs that had names like “Strength and Courage,” “Cheerfulness and Health,” and “Physical Perfection.”

 Most of the programs, demarcated by age group, had participants run, swim, ski, climb ropes, and do a lot of pull ups. Other parts of the regime, which was discontinued after the Soviet Union collapsed, involved other crucial elements of Stalinist fitness, like shooting guns and throwing fake grenades.

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