mercredi 19 mars 2014

Chris Christie en bande dessinée

Il semble que les péripéties du Gouverneur du New Jersey, et probable candidat à l'élection de 2016, Chris Christie aient inspiré un créateur de bandes dessinées.

 "Frizell said when he wrote the first draft of the book, he decided that Christie’s handling of Hurricane Sandy and the destruction of the boardwalk at Seaside Heights, a place Frizell knew from childhood, would be the focal point of the book.

 ”I found it remarkable that in this political climate, Christie, a Republican, reached across the aisle to work with President Obama, a Democrat. Despite whatever came after, I felt that this was a positive thing to highlight. I decided to write something a bit different when writing this book. I wanted the spirit of New Jersey to have both a dark and light side.”

 For his part, Frizell decided to handle the Fort Lee bridge scandal delicately. “The epilogue of the book, which deals with the now infamous bridge scandal, is the closest I come to political commentary. I’d rather let Gov. Christie’s words and deeds speak for themselves. Since this is an ongoing issue likely to come up during the election cycle, I leave the story with a bit of a cliffhanger. Perhaps I’ll have the chance to revisit the story of Chris Christie should he be reelected or move up.”

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