vendredi 21 mars 2014

Rand Paul: les Américains sont-ils prêts pour sa candidature?

Je crois pas que la candidature du républicain (libertarien) Rand Paul à la présidentielle 2016 soit une bonne chose pour les républicains. très populaire dans certaines régions des États-Unis, Paul passerait difficilement la rampe dans une élection nationale. Il faut cependant admettre que Paul en mène large présentement et que sa candidature potentielle ne laisse personne indifférent. Voici un article intéressant de POLITICO sur le "phénomène" Rand Paul.

 "The problem for libertarian politicians is that Americans hate libertarianism. They like Social Security and minimum-wage hikes, they are still somewhat wary of free tradeand they resent that the world is full of conniving and frequently swarthy foreigners who are scheming to provide us with goods and services in exchange for little green pieces of paper. Four times as many Americans support pulling out of NAFTA or renegotiating it as support staying in. Paul, on the other hand, wants to make the whole world a free-trade zone: He scores 100 percent on the libertarian Cato Institute’s free-trade index. Libertarian ideas might appeal to voters on principle—in a poll last fall, 22 percent of Americans said they identify as or “lean” libertarian. But in the voting booth Americans don’t have principles; they have interests."

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