lundi 24 mars 2014

Créationnisme: l'enseignement payé par les impôts des Américains

Déjà les parents étaient autorisés à retirer leurs enfants des cours de sciences lorsqu'on y abordait la théorie de l'évolution. ce beaucoup de nos voisins du sud ignorent c'est que des sommes importantes sont utilisées pour financer l'enseignement du créationnisme à l'école. Douter de la théorie de l'évolution ou la remettre en question? oui. Financer le créationnisme à même l'argent public? Vous me permettrez quelques doutes ici. On interdisait jusqu'à maintenant aux écoles publics d'enseigner le créationnisme, mais ce sont des écoles privées recevant des subsides gouvernementaux qui ouvre une brèche. 

"Decades of litigation have established that public schools cannot teach creationism or intelligent design. But private schools receiving public subsidies can — and do. A POLITICO review of hundreds of pages of course outlines, textbooks and school websites found that many of these faith-based schools go beyond teaching the biblical story of the six days of creation as literal fact. Their course materials nurture disdain of the secular world, distrust of momentous discoveries and hostility toward mainstream scientists. They often distort basic facts about the scientific method — teaching, for instance, that theories such as evolution are by definition highly speculative because they haven’t been elevated to the status of “scientific law.”

And this approach isn’t confined to high school biology class; it is typically threaded through all grades and all subjects.

One set of books popular in Christian schools calls evolution “a wicked and vain philosophy.” Another derides “modern math theorists” who fail to view mathematics as absolute laws ordained by God. The publisher notes that its textbooks shun “modern” breakthroughs — even those, like set theory, developed back in the 19th century. Math teachers often set aside time each week — even in geometry and algebra — to explore numbers in the Bible. Students learn vocabulary with sentences like, “Many scientists today are Creationists.”

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