samedi 29 mars 2014

La peine de mort en perte de vitesse aux États-Unis

Une étude du Pew Research Center révèle que l'appui à la peine est passé de 61% à 55% entre 2011 et 2013. Il s'agit d'une tendance lourde depuis vingt ans.

 "Public support for capital punishment has ebbed and flowed over time, as indicated by polls going all the way back to the 1930s. But it has been gradually ticking downward for the past two decades, since Pew Research began collecting survey data on this issue.1 Since 1996, the margin between those who favor the death penalty and those who oppose it has narrowed from a 60-point gap (78% favor vs. 18% oppose) to an 18-point difference in 2013 (55% favor vs. 37% oppose)."

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