mardi 23 août 2016

Hillary Clinton mène par seize points en Virginie

La Virginie a longtemps été considérée comme un état pivot, un "swing state". Une avance de seize points est donc très confortable, surtout si on considère que le sondage incluait les candidature des "verts" et des libertariens.

 "Matched against Trump and the other two major third-party candidates, Clinton earned 48 percent support to the Republican nominee's 32 percent. Another 8 percent said they would vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson, while Jill Stein of the Green Party took 3 percent, with another 9 percent undecided. In a head-to-head race, Clinton leads Trump by 19 points—55 percent to 36 percent.

 Asked whether their backing of either major candidate is more because of their support of either Clinton or Trump or their disdain for the alternative, a plurality of Clinton voters (49 percent for Clinton to 38 percent against Trump) suggested the former, while the reverse held for Trump voters (49 percent against Clinton to 35 percent for Trump)."

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