mercredi 17 août 2016

Stephen Bannon: nouveau maître du dénigrement de la campagne Trump.

Donald Trump a secoué ses troupes hier et aujourd'hui. Sa principale recrue, Stephen Bannon, ne fait pas dans la dentelle et il est parfois très critique des dirigeants du Parti républicain.

 "The conversation is just the latest example of the anti-establishment fervor that Bannon has fomented on his show and now brings to the Trump campaign. Bannon had great access to high-caliber guests for months – from Trump and his kids to Rafael Cruz to conservative members of Congress. He’s also given a platform to the seamier and more conspiratorial viewpoints of operatives, such as Trump confidant Roger Stone and former prosecutor Andy McCarthy, who insist Islamists have infiltrated the Obama administration and are eroding it from within."

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