samedi 27 août 2016

Les plus beaux retours de l'histoire des élections présidentielles américaines: Trump sera-t-il le prochain?

J'ai tout de suite esquissé un sourire en revoyant la photo qui coiffe ce billet et l'article de POLITICO. On y voyant un Harry Truman tout sourire tenant une édition du Chicago Daily Tribune annonçant prématurément la victoire de son adversaire. Donald Trump sera-t-il le prochain à surprendre les experts et la presse? Retour sur quelques élections étonnantes.

 Je vous laisse un autre exemple de retour spectaculaire et pas le moindre, l'élection d'Abraham Lincoln en 1864:

 "By late summer of 1864, Abraham Lincoln’s re-election prospects looked bleak. Though he governed in an age long before the advent of political polling, most elite actors in Washington, D.C., agreed that many white Americans were weary of battle. What’s more, many white voters—particularly those in critical Midwestern swing states—sharply disapproved when the president expanded his definition of the Northern war effort from a fight to preserve the Union to a struggle that would eradicate chattel slavery.

With General Ulysses S. Grant bogged down outside Petersburg and General William T. Sherman stalled on his march to Atlanta, Lincoln believed he would be “beaten … and unless some great change takes place, badly beaten.” On August 23, he pulled out a blank piece of paper and wrote: “This morning, as for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this Administration will not be re-elected. Then it will be my duty to so co-operate with the President elect, as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration; as he will have secured his election on such ground that he cannot possibly save it afterwards.” He folded and sealed the page and instructed all of his cabinet members to sign the outside. In the probable event of his defeat, he would have tangible evidence of his commitment to respecting the wishes of the voters, even during an unprecedented civil war."

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