dimanche 28 août 2016

Missy LeHand: la femme la plus influente de l'histoire de la Maison Blanche?

Secrétaire et confidente, Missy LeHand a grandement influencé les décisions de FDR.  ce dernier la surnommait sa "conscience".

"Missy had her hand in all aspects of the White House operation during the FDR years. A formidable, multitalented multitasker, Missy might on any given day be directing the work of fifty staffers, writing a check to Franklin Jr.’s doctor, telling the president the wording in a speech “just doesn’t sound like you,” soothing an irate bureaucrat who couldn’t get an appointment and then racing over to the White House to “pour tea for a crowd of archaeologists.”

Today, she would be comparable to Barack Obama’s Valerie Jarrett, whose official titles in the White House are far overshadowed by her real role as one of the president’s closest advisers on everything from cabinet appointments to campaign strategy. Missy’s key role guiding FDR’s marquee accomplishment, the New Deal, puts her contributions into relief. From navigating messy politics between feuding administration figures, to strengthening his relationship with the vital Catholic voters he needed to assure his re-elections, to talking with FDR about his ideas, Missy was a crucial—if little-remembered—behind-the-scenes asset. Perhaps most importantly, she also introduced the president to the man who would draft and successfully lobby for some of the most crucial New Deal legislation."


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