mardi 17 janvier 2017

Obama commue la peine de Chelsea Manning

Le Président Obama a profité des derniers jours pour grâcier ou commuer les peines de 247 détenus. Malgré le nombre considérable, c'est le cas de Chelsea Manning qui a surtout intéressé les médias. Condamnée à 35 ans de prison, Manning avait dirrigé vers WikiLeaks des documents confidentiels. Selon la Maison Blanche son cas serait très différent de celui d'Edward Snowden. Snowden n'a jamais accepté de rentrer au pays et de subir son procès. De plus, il s'est réfugié en Russie, un pays que les services de renseignements américains accusent maintenant d'avoir interféré dans la dernière élection présidentielle.

 "But officials said the president thought that in Manning’s case, seven years behind bars was enough punishment and that she had been given an excessive sentence — the longest ever imposed in the United States for a leak conviction. The administration has contrasted her case with that of Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency contractor who leaked classified documents in 2013 and then fled the country, pointing out that Manning did not try to avoid facing the U.S. justice system for her crimes.

 “Chelsea Manning is somebody who accepted responsibility for the crimes she committed,” a senior White House official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House. “She expressed remorse for committing those crimes. She began serving the sentence that was handed down. The president’s concern was rooted in the fact that the sentence handed down is longer than sentences given to other individuals who committed comparable crimes.”

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