vendredi 12 mai 2017

Donald Trump menace James Comey

On semble s'enfoncer de plus en plus loin dans le surréalisme. À mots à peines couverts le Président Trump vient de proférer des menaces à l'endroit de James Comey qu'il vient tout juste de congédier cette semaine. Sale temps pour la démocratie américaine.

 "The threat may have been just a rhetorical point, but Mr. Trump by his own description likes to be unpredictable and does not feel obligated to follow longstanding White House conventions simply because that is the way they have been done for years. Every president in modern times has been frustrated with the news media at points, but they all preserved the tradition of the daily briefing.

Mr. Trump’s mention of tapes did nothing to dispel the echoes of Watergate heard in Washington this week. His dismissal of Mr. Comey in the midst of an investigation into Mr. Trump’s associates struck many as similar to President Richard M. Nixon’s decision in October 1973 to fire Archibald Cox, the Watergate special prosecutor, in an incident that came to be known as the Saturday Night Massacre."

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