dimanche 29 mai 2011

Sarah Palin: d'abord enrichir Sarah Palin inc.?

Si Donald Trump le fait... L'auteur donne quelques chiffres pour appuyer son opinion. Palin ne souhaite pas devenir la première femme "commander in chief" en entreprenant sa tournée "One nation", elle voudrait profiter de la manne... Aimez-vous le look de son autobus?

"Four months after leaving the governorship, Palin released Going Rogue, a wildly successful book with a wildly successful book tour that included a bus tour to 11 states (sound familiar?) and media saturation on television, radio, and online. Palin received an advance of $7 million for her first book -- to say nothing of the royalties she received based on sales. In a clever political twist, she asked donors to her Political Action Committee to give $100 in exchange for a copy of her book. The Palin family's participation on reality television shows has raked in another $3 million. She currently earns around $100,000 for a single speech. Then there's the house in Arizona she recently purchased for $1.7 million.

In fact, ABC News estimated in April 2010 that Palin had earned at least 100 times her governor's salary since her resignation -- and that was more than a year ago. How rogue is that?"


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