samedi 28 mai 2011

Stephen Colbert et sa candidature pour 2012: jusqu'où peut-il pousser la blague? Souvez-vous de Robin Williams dans "Man of the year"

Non seulement la candidature de Colbert est délicate pour les autorités et pour le financement, mais elle place son employeur dans une situation inconfortable. Sa candidature me rappelle un film mettant en vedette Robin Williams dans le rôle d'un humoriste qui fait campagne (personnage inspiré du même Colbert et de Jon Stewart!). Je vous laisse un clip!

The campaign finance reform community is by and large cheering on Stephen Colbert's pursuit of a Super PAC, seeing it as an inspired way to call public attention to the excesses of the current election system. One of the foremost reformers in town, Trevor Potter, even joined Colbert as his lawyer when the Comedy Central star filed a request with the Federal Election Commission two weeks ago.

But on Friday, two major reform groups -- including one that Potter leads -- urged the FEC not to give Colbert everything he and Potter are asking for. They argue that doing so would set precedents that serious political candidates and their corporate media sponsors could use to avoid disclosure.

"We appreciate that Mr. Colbert submitted his advisory opinion request in the spirit of political comedy, but we're not going to stand by and watch potentially damaging unintended consequences to decades of important campaign finance law," said Paul Ryan, associate legal counsel for the Campaign Legal Center. Potter, who was serving Colbert in his capacity as an attorney with the Caplin and Drysdale law firm, is the president of the center, and recused himself from discussions on the matter.

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