jeudi 6 mars 2014

Des États-Unis pas si exceptionnels?

Un son de cloche intéressant sur le site de POLITICO. Des journaux comme le Wall Street Journal ou le Washington Post ont critiqué sévèrement l'attitude du Président Obama dans le dossier ukrainien. Les États-Unis doivent-ils intervenir? Quelques bémols sur l'exceptionnalisme américain...

 Un extrait:

"Here is the historian Victor Davis Hanson berating his countrymen in National Review. The problem with this country? Let VDH give it to you with the bark off: We live in “a newly isolationist and self-indulgent America, eager to talk, bluster, or threaten its way out of its traditional postwar leadership role.” In the American Exceptionalist catechism, isolationism comes in a close second to appeasement in the ranking of heinous sins. Still, one might think that Hanson would have the decency to wait until U.S. troops conclude their futile 13-year-long war in Afghanistan before charging his countrymen with isolationism."

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