mercredi 11 mars 2015

Jeb Bush et Scott Walker: naissance d'une rivalité

Topo intéressant sur deux candidats potentiels et sérieux pour l'investiture républicaine. Le nom de Walker circule depuis moins longtemps, mais il ne faudrait surtout pas sous-estimer son potentiel. Si on souhaite une candidature nationale tout en espérant incarner le changement, Walker est une bonne alternative pour les républicains.

 "It started with a subtle poke at Jeb Bush almost two months ago, when Scott Walker suggested that Republicans need “a new, fresh approach.” Since then, Walker has continued jabbing, casting himself as the “son of a preacher” — instead of, say, a president — and warning Republicans against “looking to the past.”

With each provocation amid Walker’s fast rise, the Bush camp has grown increasingly agitated — not just by the attacks but also by what they see as a lack of scrutiny of the Wisconsin governor’s record.

Bush supporters fired back on Tuesday, starting when Al Cardenas, a Miami-based lawyer and longtime Bush supporter, took to Twitter to attack Walker’s shifting positions: “Did u know S Walker was for path to citizenship. Now not? Did u know he was against ethanol subsidy, now he is for? Do u really know him?”"

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