mercredi 11 mars 2015

Retour vers le futur: Hillary Clinton et l'épineux dossier des courriels (NY Times)


 Les réponses de MMe Clinton et son sourire forcé suffiront-ils pour lui permettre de traverser cette crise? Assurément le cirque médiatique qui entourait la conférence de presse rappelle aux américains des passages moins glorieux de années 1990.

 "And Clinton’s challenge is to persuade an electorate that has known her since the Mesozoic era and trudged wearily with her through so much political melodrama that to vote for her is to turn the page, to embrace a new chapter, to move forward.

On Tuesday she didn’t look as if she was leaning into the future. She looked as if she was getting sucked into the past. That’s not where voters want to go. Oh, sure, the Clinton years are remembered as prosperous ones, and she and Bill don’t hurt her cause by rekindling those memories and stoking a bit of nostalgia.

But nostalgia doesn’t win elections. The promise of solutions to problems and better times ahead does. And right now there’s little horizon in Clinton’s unofficial campaign for the White House; it’s almost all rearview mirror. The conversation — incredibly — has returned to Rose Law Firm records lost and found, to the pricey privilege of the Lincoln Bedroom, to Whitewater."

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