jeudi 19 mai 2011

Dick Cheney: ses mémoires le 30 août

Plusieurs observateurs attendent avec impatience les mémoires de l'ancien vice-président, souvent considéré comme le véritable penseur de la Maison-Blanche. Rarement a-t-on vu un vice-président jouer un rôle aussi important. Qu'on soit un admirateur ou un opposant de Cheney, son analyse est incontournable.

"“As his vice presidency was novel, Dick Cheney’s memoir is unique, in its scope and depth and honesty, with the lagniappe of one-of-a kind daughter/partner production; clear eyed history and forward analysis,” former aide Mary Matalin told POLITICO’s Playbook. “Oh yeah … pick your metaphor: sacred cows, ruffled feathers, broken eggs,” she said. “In total, an important reflection on where we are and how we got there, from inside the arena.”

Cheney committed to the book about six months after finishing as vice president, signing with Matalin’s imprint at Simon & Schuster, Threshold Editions. The publisher announced the release date for “In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir” on Wednesday, along with a cover image showing him standing pensively, hands in pockets, in the White House Cross Hall.

The book is co-authored by Cheney’s daughter, Liz Cheney, who told The Associated Press it will be “very straightforward.” It at once conveys her father’s “sense of storytelling and sense of humor” and his “very strong views and … very clear perspective,” she said.

Liz Cheney would not speak in much detail to the AP about the contents of the book, but did say it moves “very quickly” from his childhood into his time in Washington. The former vice president served as a staffer for Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford’s chief of staff, defense secretary under George H.W. Bush and spent a decade representing Wyoming in the House.

Cheney’s most recent boss, former President George W. Bush, included in his memoir mentions of Cheney’s anger over the decision not to pardon former aide I. Lewis Libby and Cheney’s offer to not be Bush’s runningmate in 2004. Those incidents are “just scratching the surface” of untold stories that will be in the Cheney book, Liz Cheney said. “There’s a whole range of interesting stories that haven’t been talked about.”"

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