mercredi 18 mai 2011

Mitt Romney: un appui timide des républicains...

L'ancien gouverneur du Mass. est actuellement dans le siège du conducteur pour l'investiture 2012 chez les républicains. Il ne soulève cependant pas les passions dans son propre parti... On veut du sang neuf au sein du GOP, mais le temps commence à manquer.

"Mitt Romney has all the trappings of a GOP presidential frontrunner except for one important thing: enthusiasm from party activists.

Romney raised a remarkable $10.25 million on Monday; Republican officials from across the nation meeting the next day in Dallas mostly shrugged. In nearly two dozen interviews at the Republican National Committee's spring meeting, no one fully embraced Romney, and several said they'd like to see other candidates enter the race.

"A lot of Republicans are hoping someone new pops up," said Kirby Wilbur, GOP chairman in Washington state. "He keeps having to figure out who he is," a reference to Romney's changed positions on issues including abortion and health care.

Even top Republicans who are kinder to Romney showed only modest excitement about his positions and his prospects.

"Polls show Romney has to be considered the frontrunner now," said New Hampshire state GOP chairman Jack Kimball, whose state plans to hold the first primary in early 2012. "But you'll see others gaining ground.""

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