mardi 3 mars 2015

Obama doit répondre à Netanyahou (position éditoriale du Washington Post)

Si les arguments et les doutes exprimés aujourd'hui par Benjamin Netanyahou devant le Congrès américains ne représentent rien de neuf, le Washington Post avance qu'il est plus que temps pour le Président Obama de présenter son argumentaire dans le dossier du nucléaire iranien.

 "The Israeli prime minister’s most aggressive argument concerned the nature of the Iranian regime, which he called “a dark and brutal dictatorship” engaged in a “march of conquest, subjugation and terror.” Saying that the regime’s ideology is comparable with that of the Islamic State, he asserted that it could not be expected to change during the decade-long term of an agreement. He proposed that controls on the nuclear program should be maintained “for as long as Iran continues its aggression in the region and in the world.”

In essence, this was an argument that Iran must be sanctioned and contained while its clerical regime remains in power. That has been the explicit or de facto U.S. policy since 1979, but Mr. Obama appears to be betting that detente can better control Iran’s nuclear ambitions and, perhaps, produce better behavior over time. Yet he has shied from explicitly making that case; instead, his aides argue that the only alternative to his approach is war."

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