lundi 17 août 2015

Donal Trump et son équipe hors normes

Donald Trump n'est pas un candidat comme les autres et la composition de son équipe le reflète bien. Portrait sur le site de POLITICO.

 "His campaign manager was once arrested for a bringing a gun into a House office building. His Iowa campaign co-chair is a reality television star who says politics is “not my lane.” He hired a self-described “rabid tea party activist” who proved too rabid for like-minded activists and resigned. And that’s not the half of it.

This is Donald Trump’s political machine.

From the grassroots base to the burnt-orange top, Trump’s hastily assembled operation is not the typical presidential campaign. Rarely in American politics has such an unlikely gang of misfits, rogues and loose cannons helped a candidate climb to the top of the heap.

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