dimanche 16 août 2015

Willam G. Harding: le "chaud lapin" de la présidence américaine?

William G. Harding n'a guère impressionné par ses compétences politiques, mais le site du POLITICO Magazine rappelle qu'il est demeuré "célèbre" pour ses scandales sexuels. En lisant l'article je me suis souvenu que l'humoriste John Oliver avait réservé un segment de son émission "Last week tonight" à des lettres d'amour de l'ancien président républicain. Vous croyez que les incartades du Président Clinton relevait de l'exception? À ce chapitre Harding était dans une catégorie à part... Je vous laisse donc ce segment et le lien pour l'article!


 "But Warren G. Harding is really in a category of his own. No other philandering chief executive had the 29th president’s way with words (he termed the vagina of one of his mistresses “Mrs. Pouterson”) or his sense of scenery (he and Nan regularly had sex in a White House closet). And, as was underscored this week, when news broke that Harding did in fact father a child with Britton as she had claimed, no other was quite as reckless with his libido.

Historians have long disliked Harding for reasons other than his sexcapades. He presided over an administration unprecedented in its corruption, he rolled back Progressive-era reforms and he enacted racist immigration laws. In the rankings academics conduct every few years, Harding has averaged out as the worst president in American history. “After his death,” wrote a biographer, “his reputation plummeted so quickly that only with the greatest reluctance could a Republican successor be persuaded to dedicate his tomb.”


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