vendredi 28 août 2015

Donald Trump: une caricature prémonitoire?

Caricature de Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press 

 Cette caricature correspond à ce que je pense de la campagne de Donald Trump. Un candidat qui a animé la campagne pendant la période estivale et qui a atteint son plafond. C'est aussi ce qu'espèrent les dirigeants du parti républicain... Petit topo dans le Washington Post.

 "Sure, Donald Trump is leading in the polls everywhere right now, but so was Howard Dean at this point in the 2004 Democratic presidential primary race. And Dean wound up flaming out with Democrats making the "Dated Dean, Married Kerry" bumper sticker a very real thing.

So, eventually, the thinking goes, Trump's support will flame out. The Summer of Trump will turn into the fall of discontent (or something). People who say they are for Trump now are having a laugh but will come to their senses when the actual time to vote nears and they start caring about things like electability. Or Trump will fundamentally disqualify himself in some meaningful way some time soon."

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