lundi 31 août 2015

Walmart ne vendra plus de fusils AR-15

C'est Walmart qui vend le plus d'armes aux États-Unis et la chaîne prétend qu'il n'y a pas de lien entre la multiplication des tueries et la décision de ne plus vendre le célèbre fusil semi-automatique.

 "The continuing threats to the American public from the militarization of the gun market include numerous variations of the AR-15, like the Bushmaster rifles used in the sniper shootings around Washington, D.C., in 2002 (10 dead, three wounded) and the 2012 schoolhouse massacre in Connecticut (20 children killed along with six adults). The “sporting” arsenal adapted for civilians also includes high-power handguns used in mass shootings and sniper rifles that can pierce armor. They all remain for sale."

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