vendredi 21 août 2015

Les républicains en ont assez de Trump!

L'été se termine et la campagne républicaine devrait se centrer un peu plus sur les débats sérieux. Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux au sein du GOP à dénoncer les déclarations spectaculaires et très controversées du milliardaire.

 "Nearly two-thirds of Iowa Republicans said the same.

“He’s solidly put an anchor around the neck of our party, and we’ll sink because of it,” an Iowa Republican said of Trump. “Enough already,” vented another Iowa Republican, who like all participants was granted anonymity in order to speak freely. “This kind of garbage only appeals to the hard core … while alienating the soft middle that we must win in order to take the presidency.”

A Granite State Republican said it was “harmful to the party, the brand and the future of our country. What’s disappointing is the speed in which other candidates follow his lead. He’s forced that to be standard operation.”

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