jeudi 5 mars 2015

Et si Hillary ne se présentait pas?

En raison de la controverse entourant la gestion de ses courriels, certains observateurs ont avancé que Mme Clinton pourrait ne pas déposer sa candidature. Je crois qu'on exagère les retombées de cette petite crise, mais il est intéressant de se pencher sur un scénario de l'élection de 2016 sans la présence de l'ancienne "First lady". Si HIllary Clinton se retire il y aura assurément un vent de panique dans son parti, mais ensuite?

 "If true, Democrats would face a debacle after a Hillary bow-out, no matter whom the Republicans nominate. With only a single unifying figure, without a united philosophy, strategy and agenda, it’s very difficult to govern, much less get elected.

If Douthat is right, and Hillary’s rock-star status is masking deep divisions within her party, then who would donors flock to? As of now, says Lapetina, “there really isn’t any enthusiasm” for the non-Hillary Democrats already flirting with a run—Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb—meaning no one would instantly lay claim to the Clintons’ vast network of donors." Still, the Democratic bench is hardly shallow. Among other possible candidates who might suddenly find a fire in their belly: Gov. Andrew Cuomo, former Gov. Deval Patrick, former Gov. Brian Schweitzer and Sens. Sanders, Mark Warner and Kirsten Gillibrand. Lapetina believes pressure would build for a few really big names to enter, such as Al Gore.

And then there’s Elizabeth"

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